Know Your Material

What Makes Marble Different From Others?

Marble, as we all know, has been in use for a very long time. Taj Mahal, Pantheon, Leaning Tower of Pisa are some great examples of the amalgamation of marble with architecture. Marble is undisputedly one of the most popular types of natural stone, and we can find it almost everywhere.

Photo by Edward Jenner via Pexels

So before getting to know where and how we can use marble, it’s important to understand the material and its characteristics to be able to put it to better use.


Marble is a metamorphic rock. It starts life as limestone, a soft stone that, over time, is transformed physically and chemically due to immense heat and pressure. It primarily consists of calcite. Other than calcite, it often contains other minerals such as clay, micas, quartz, iron oxides, and graphite, which result in different colors in Marble.


Photo by Skylar Kang via Pexels

Now let’s go through the characteristics of Marble –

  1. Marble is a dense material, making it hypoallergenic. So, it is ideal for families with smaller kids or people with allergies.
  2. Marble is resistant to heat, keeping its surface cooler than the surroundings. Hence it’s suitable for warm climatic zones.
  3. The purest form of marble is stark white. However, due to different mineral and clay deposits, the stone can come in various color ranges with spots or vein patterns in it.
  4. Marble is a metamorphic rock that will always react to its surroundings, especially if in contact with acidic substances. Different acidic agents have different reactions with marble affecting its durability. And to treat such affected marble, it is essential to find out the acidic agent.
  5. Marble is naturally porous, which makes it a soft stone. Hence it’s easy to carve even for small details and is an excellent material for sculpture. However, it also makes marble more susceptible to damage.
  6. Due to its structure, marble can be polished to improve its shine and is thus a common and attractive stone for building applications.

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